Mia Esmeriz Academy - Learn European Portuguese Online
Mia Esmeriz Academy - Learn European Portuguese Online
European Portuguese vs Brazilian Portuguese | Culture
In this new video Virginia and I will be speaking about some cultural differences (and similarities!) between Portugal and Brazil.
Do you know that although we have our own "national personalities", which gives us our own identity, in fact, we are very similar in many things?
If you would like to know more, check out the video, leave us a comment and a like! Thank you! :) Obrigada!
00:00 - European vs Brazilian Portuguese | Culture
00:51 - Punctuality Portugal vs Brazil
03:00 - Foreign Languages Portugal vs Brazil
05:49 - Country Size Portugal vs Brazil
08:14 - Way of speaking Portugal vs Brazil
10:28 - Outlook on life Portugal vs Brazil
13:02 - Fado vs Samba
16:01 - Christmas in Portugal vs Brazil
17:51 - New Year's Eve in Portugal vs Brazil
22:24 - Personality Portugal vs Brazil
23:40 - Conclusion European vs Brazilian Portuguese Culture
Videos from this series:
European vs Brazilian Portuguese | Grammar: https://youtu.be/ocNp_hsqukM
European vs Brazilian Portuguese | Vocabulary: https://youtu.be/rR8ryibM_SM
European vs Brazilian Portuguese | Pronunciation: https://youtu.be/KtUVFX33_98
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If yes, feel free to check out my FREE TRAINING, where I will speak about 10 SECRETS to learn European Portuguese Fast and Effectively:
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#learnportuguese #europeanportuguese #miaesmerizacademy
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Olá a todos bem vindos
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mais uma vez ao meu canal.
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Hoje tenho uma convidada super especial. Já
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Ă© a segunda vez que estamos a fazer um
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vĂdeo juntas
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vĂdeo juntas
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aqui no meu canal.
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EntĂŁo, por favor deem as boas vindas Ă
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VirgĂnia! Olá VirgĂnia!
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Olá Mia! Olá pessoal! É um grande prazer
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estar aqui novamente com vocĂŞs.
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Obrigada por estares aqui! E hoje nĂłs vamos
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falar sobre um tema que eu acho muito
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interessante que Ă© sobre algumas
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diferenças e até semelhanças, quem sabe,
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culturais entre Portugal e o Brasil.
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NĂłs fizemos assim uma listinha antes de
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gravar este vĂdeo
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e vamos falar então dessas diferenças
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culturais agora. Vamos lá,
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Vamos! Vamos começar.
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nĂłs estivemos a discutir e achamos
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que, em termos de pontualidade, os
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portugueses e os brasileiros
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sĂŁo um bocadinho diferentes.
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O que Ă© que tu achas disso?
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O que Ă© que nĂłs concluĂmos?
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Pois entĂŁo, o brasileiro, gente,
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Ă© famoso por ser atrasado.
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Infelizmente, isso Ă© verdade.
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É claro que não é todo mundo.
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Algumas pessoas tĂŞm mais tendĂŞncia outros
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tĂŞm menos, mas de uma maneira geral os
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brasileiros chegam atrasados para tudo,
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especialmente se nĂŁo Ă© algo relacionado a
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trabalho, mas até mesmo muitas vezes
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relacionado ao trabalho, Ă© muito comum
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começar reuniões com
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atraso, acabar com atraso.
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É muito comum no Brasil
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tudo começar atrasado.
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E se Ă© uma coisa que nĂŁo
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Ă© relacionada a trabalho...
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Se é uma festa, por exemplo, a festa está
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marcada para começar oito da noite.
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As pessoas vĂŁo chegar Ă s nove da
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noite e dez da noite... Ă© normal.
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Como Ă© em Portugal? A impressĂŁo que eu tenho
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Ă© que em Portugal as pessoas nĂŁo sĂŁo tĂŁo
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atrasadas assim...
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Bem... é assim, se calhar em relação aos
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brasileiros, os portugueses
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nĂŁo sĂŁo tĂŁo atrasados.
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O que Ă© que isto quer dizer? Que em vez de
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chegarmos uma hora atrasados,
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chegamos meia hora atrasados.
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É um pouquinho melhor!
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Eu ainda assim acho, e claro está,
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eu quero dizer isto já desde o inĂcio isto
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sĂŁo estereĂłtipos, nĂŁo Ă©, porque nem toda a
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gente, como tu disseste, chega atrasada
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Ă s coisas, obviamente.
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Mas estamos a falar em geral.
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Mas estamos a falar em geral.
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pela minha experiĂŞncia, sim, os portugueses
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também chegam atrasados às coisas.
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Eu não sou uma exceção.
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Eu tenho que admitir que chego atrasada
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muitas vezes a certas coisas, nĂŁo Ă© a tudo...
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Eu também...
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Mas foi interessante porque
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ao inĂcio tu disseste:
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Os portugueses sĂŁo pontuais, que tinhas essa
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ideia e o meu namorado Ă© alemĂŁo e ele ia
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rir-se na nossa cara se ouvisse isso,
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porque, sim, os alemĂŁes sĂŁo pontuais.
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EntĂŁo, acho que Ă© por isso! Ok...
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E também falamos aqui de uma coisa que é:
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os portugueses falam
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muitas lĂnguas diferentes.
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Em geral, os portugueses falam,
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pelo menos, InglĂŞs e Espanhol,
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por exemplo, o Francês também.
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Como Ă© que Ă© no Brasil?
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Eu acho que para mim essa é uma diferença
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muito clara, porque todos os portugueses
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que eu conheço falam pelo
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menos duas ou trĂŞs lĂnguas.
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No Brasil isso nĂŁo Ă© comum.
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É claro que muitos brasileiros falam
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muitas lĂnguas, especialmente InglĂŞs e
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Espanhol, mas Ă© muito raro encontrar uma
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pessoa que fale duas lĂnguas,
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nĂŁo Ă© uma coisa comum.
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A gente estuda no colégio, mas é
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muito básico, né, não chega,
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Ă© difĂcil chegar a um nĂvel de realmente
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fluĂŞncia em outra lĂngua... nĂŁo faz parte
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da cultura brasileira, infelizmente.
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Então, eu acho, para mim uma diferença muito
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grande entre o Brasil e Portugal,
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culturalmente, os brasileiros eles falam
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realmente PortuguĂŞs
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e algumas pessoas falam outras lĂnguas.
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E como é que é? Há alguma diferença
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agora com as gerações mais novas?
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Porque aqui em Portugal,
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mesmo na geração dos meus pais, já
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há muita gente a falar outras lĂnguas, mas
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claro, a gente mais nova fala ainda mais.
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Essa é pelo menos a minha percepção.
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Aà há alguma diferença? O que é que tu achas?
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Eu acho que sim! É interessante essa
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pergunta nunca tinha parado para pensar
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nisso, mas agora que vocĂŞ trouxe esse
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assunto, eu acho que com a
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assunto, eu acho que com a
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internet e o acesso a tanta
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coisa que nĂłs temos hoje em dia,
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eu acho que isso está ajudando
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também na aprendizagem de
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também na aprendizagem de
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lĂnguas, porque antes era uma coisa que
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vocĂŞ precisaria comprar um livro, ou se
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inscrever em um curso...era uma coisa que
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dava muito trabalho, custava muito dinheiro,
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e, hoje em dia, o
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conhecimento está disponĂvel gratuitamente
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no YouTube, por exemplo, este
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vĂdeo Ă© um exemplo disso.
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E tantos canais no YouTube e mesmo
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podcasts, tanta coisa disponĂvel, tanto
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conhecimento disponĂvel online,
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gratuitamente, e quase toda a
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população tem acesso à internet.
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Eu acho que isso está ajudando muito
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aos mais jovens, à nova geração, a ter acesso
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a mais conhecimento, inclusive lĂnguas.
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É, é... Eu também acho que sim, eu também
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acho que sim, porque mesmo aqui,
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claro que há uma diferença... eu acho que as
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gerações mais novas, realmente,
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estĂŁo a falar mais lĂnguas.
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Apesar de, como eu disse,
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os meus pais, a geração dos meus pais,
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também já, já falar uma ou duas, mas sim,
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acho que isso, sem dúvida, está a ajudar o
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mundo todo a ligar-se mais e
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a falar mais lĂnguas diferentes.
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Sim, acho que sim!
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EntĂŁo, o prĂłximo ponto que eu tenho aqui Ă©
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e eu acho muito engraçado isto, porque
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Portugal Ă© um paĂs pequenininho.
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EntĂŁo, para nĂłs
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qualquer coisa Ă© muito longe! Para irmos
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do Porto, de onde eu sou, até Lisboa,
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sĂŁo 300 quilĂ´metros, mais ou menos, e para
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mim isso já é uma viagem assim "jeitosinha".
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E como Ă© que Ă© no Brasil?
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Pra gente 300 quilĂłmetros nĂŁo Ă© nada,
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gente, é sério, porque o Brasil é gigante.
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Por exemplo, eu morava em SĂŁo
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Por exemplo, eu morava em SĂŁo
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Paulo, eu costumava ir para o
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Rio de Janeiro o tempo todo.
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Eu nem lembro qual é a distância.
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Eu levava mais ou menos
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cinco, seis horas de carro, e eu achava
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perto, porque era possĂvel viajar de carro,
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era um dia de viagem... saĂa de
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manhĂŁ, e chegava no meio da tarde.
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Dava até tempo de ir para a praia,
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ainda no mesmo dia.
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EntĂŁo, eu fazia isso com muita
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frequĂŞncia, e eu achava que era perto.
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Que é bom, São Paulo é pertinho do Rio...dá para
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ir de carro.
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Porque pra gente, um lugar longe Ă© um
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lugar que nĂŁo Ă© possĂvel dirigir de carro,
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Ă© um lugar que a gente precisaria pegar
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avião, caso contrário a viagem seria muito
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longa! Por exemplo, de SĂŁo Paulo para minha
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cidade natal, Teresina,
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Ă© impossĂvel ir de carro, seriam trĂŞs dias de carro
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praticamente! Mesmo de aviĂŁo, tem que fazer
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escala, Ă© muito longe, Ă© tudo muito longe!
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Muitos lugares do Brasil que eu gostaria
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de conhecer, eu nunca fui, porque Ă© longe
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demais, Ă© difĂcil acessar,
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Ă© um paĂs muito grande!
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EntĂŁo, acho muito interessante quando os
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portugueses falam que duas horas de distância
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acha longe. Gente, duas horas Ă© nada.
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Duas horas Ă© o que
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vocĂŞ leva para ir de um
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bairro a outro de SĂŁo Paulo.
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Sim, aqui duas horas Ă© demais! Eu
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Sim, aqui duas horas Ă© demais! Eu
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quando tenho que ir meia hora
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de carro daqui, a algum lado,
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já não me apetece nada
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nĂŁo me apetece nada, mesmo.
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Mas, sim, pronto.
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É engraçado como as distâncias também mudam
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na nossa cabeça, dependendo do
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contexto a que estamos habituados.
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Sim, eu em seis horas podia ir daqui até ao
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Algarve, que Ă© no sul de Portugal
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e onde há praias muito boas e
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o tempo Ă© melhor e assim...
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mas só lá vou uma vez por ano, normalmente,
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portanto Ă© interessante mesmo.
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E então há aqui outra coisa que eu também
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achei interessante, que tu
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aches isso porque mais uma vez acho que se
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calhar é verdade em comparação com os
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brasileiros, mas nĂŁo Ă© verdade em
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comparação com outros povos europeus, por
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exemplo, os alemĂŁes mais uma vez, que
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Ă© que os portugueses falam baixo.
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Eu nĂŁo tenho muita certeza disso, mas
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como Ă© que Ă© com os brasileiros?
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A minha percepção é que os portugueses são
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pessoas mais quietas e que falam
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mais baixo e sĂŁo mais reservadas.
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Então, tá tudo conectado,
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pela minha percepção.
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O brasileiro Ă© um povo barulhento, entĂŁo
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sempre estĂŁo falando alto, entĂŁo, por
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exemplo, um grupo de brasileiros aqui nos
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Estados Unidos, eu consigo ver de longe,
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porque eles estĂŁo falando alto e,
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é claro, que também muda de
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uma famĂlia para outra.
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Dependendo da origem da famĂlia. A
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minha famĂlia Ă© muito barulhenta, e
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quando eles estĂŁo numa mesa conversando,
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em Ă©pocas de Natal e festas, parece que
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eles estĂŁo brigando, porque eles
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gritam, eles falam muito alto.
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É normal!
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Sim, mas eu compreendo o que dizes. Eu acho que,
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se calhar, em contextos assim mais
00:09:26:21 - 00:09:29:09
pĂşblicos, eu acho que talvez seja verdade
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que os portugueses sĂŁo um pouco mais
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recatados, mais sossegados, do
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que os brasileiros, talvez.
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Mas Ă© assim, em contexto familiar, por exemplo,
00:09:38:12 - 00:09:40:00
quando estamos também à mesa, no
00:09:40:00 - 00:09:43:13
Natal e assim, Ă© uma barulheira!
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Na minha famĂlia, pelo menos...
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e eu acho que nĂŁo Ă© Ăşnica.
00:09:47:07 - 00:09:50:18
EntĂŁo, eu compreendo o que tu dizes, mas eu
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nĂŁo diria que os portugueses
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falam baixo.
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Se vieres
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aqui e andares num autocarro...
00:09:56:03 - 00:09:57:20
NĂłs falamos disso,
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neste outro vĂdeo que fizemos juntas! Já agora
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vĂŁo lá ver depois deste vĂdeo...
00:10:04:22 - 00:10:08:05
Um autocarro, no Brasil, Ă© um Ă´nibus.
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Se tu andares aqui de autocarro, vais
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ouvir as senhoras, especialmente as
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senhoras mais idosas, a falarem muito alto,
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sobre a famĂlia delas,
00:10:17:21 - 00:10:21:08
ficas a saber tudo da vida delas.
00:10:21:08 - 00:10:22:12
Há muita gente assim.
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EntĂŁo, Ă© relativo.
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Sim, eu entendo!
00:10:27:15 - 00:10:32:09
Ok, eu também vi aqui que, ou seja
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tivemos assim a pensar que os
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portugueses sĂŁo mais pessimistas do
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que os brasileiros. Será que é verdade isto?
00:10:40:18 - 00:10:42:11
Que Ă© que tu achas?
00:10:42:11 - 00:10:43:22
Isso eu nĂŁo sei se Ă© verdade.
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Eu vi isso quando eu estava pesquisando
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para fazer esse vĂdeo, estava pesquisando
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00:10:48:13 - 00:10:50:08
para mim, Ă© um pouco difĂcil, realmente
00:10:50:08 - 00:10:53:08
comparar culturalmente o Brasil e Portugal,
00:10:53:08 - 00:10:55:03
porque eu nunca morei em Portugal, passei
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pouquĂssimo tempo lá... Eu conheço alguns,
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eu tenho alguns amigos, mas eu li
00:11:00:14 - 00:11:02:18
isso e achei interessante... será?
00:11:02:18 - 00:11:03:24
E eu fiquei pensando em alguns
00:11:03:24 - 00:11:05:13
portugueses que eu conheço.
00:11:05:13 - 00:11:08:06
Eu concordei um pouco
00:11:08:06 - 00:11:10:01
que os portugueses sĂŁo um pouquinho mais
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pessimistas, um pouquinho mais...
00:11:13:21 - 00:11:16:02
tĂŞm mais a tendĂŞncia de reclamar, e o
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brasileiro tem mais a tendĂŞncia de
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"Ah, vai dar tudo certo".
00:11:21:14 - 00:11:22:22
O brasileiro tem muito isso!
00:11:22:22 - 00:11:24:20
"Ah, tá tudo bem, vai dar tudo certo,
00:11:24:20 - 00:11:25:24
nĂŁo liga...".
00:11:25:24 - 00:11:27:14
É claro que depende da pessoa.
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Tem muito brasileiro que Ă© super
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pessimista! AĂ, eu achei isso interessante,
00:11:31:14 - 00:11:33:21
queria saber sua opiniĂŁo, que vocĂŞ acha?
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Olha, eu acho que tem
00:11:36:14 - 00:11:39:08
algum fundo de verdade.
00:11:39:08 - 00:11:42:11
Eu acho que os portugueses
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sĂŁo um pouco... eu nĂŁo sei se Ă© pessimistas, mas
00:11:46:19 - 00:11:50:12
nĂłs estamos sempre a contar que, ok,
00:11:50:12 - 00:11:51:19
pode correr bem mas também
00:11:51:19 - 00:11:55:10
pode correr mal e eu nĂŁo sei...
00:11:55:10 - 00:11:57:17
Eu acho que nĂłs gostamos de nos queixar.
00:11:57:17 - 00:11:59:15
Isso Ă© verdade!
00:11:59:15 - 00:12:02:04
EntĂŁo, se calhar somos um pouco
00:12:02:04 - 00:12:04:01
mais pessimistas. Eu nĂŁo sei,
00:12:04:01 - 00:12:05:12
nĂŁo sei se somos pessimistas. Eu
00:12:05:12 - 00:12:08:11
sei que os brasileiros sĂŁo otimistas.
00:12:08:11 - 00:12:10:20
Isso eu acho que sim, pelo que eu vejo
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na televisĂŁo e nas novelas que eu vi.
00:12:14:03 - 00:12:15:20
Acho que Ă© assim mais...
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É isso que tu que tu disseste, eu acho que
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vocĂŞs acham sempre que vai
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dar certo, vai dar certo.
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O português já fica com um pé
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assim mais atrás, às vezes.
00:12:25:14 - 00:12:28:12
Mas claro que eu estou, outra vez,
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isto Ă© um estereĂłtipo.
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Há muita gente que é muito otimista em
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Portugal, mas sim, talvez tenha um
00:12:34:11 - 00:12:37:01
fundo de verdade, e eu também...
00:12:37:01 - 00:12:38:19
A questão aqui também é que eu não sei se
00:12:38:19 - 00:12:41:07
nĂłs somos verdadeiramente pessimistas, ou
00:12:41:07 - 00:12:44:02
se, pelo contrário, até não somos, mas
00:12:44:02 - 00:12:46:14
gostamos de mostrar como se fĂ´ssemos.
00:12:46:14 - 00:12:48:14
NĂŁo sei se faz sentido
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o que eu estou a dizer.
00:12:50:18 - 00:12:52:24
PorquĂŞ? Porque gostamos de nos queixar.
00:12:52:24 - 00:12:54:03
EntĂŁo, pronto...
00:12:54:03 - 00:12:55:06
Se calhar Ă© por aĂ.
00:12:55:06 - 00:12:57:17
Aà passa uma sensação de pessimismo, mas na
00:12:57:17 - 00:12:59:04
verdade talvez nĂŁo seja...
00:12:59:04 - 00:13:00:16
Se calhar, se calhar.
00:13:00:16 - 00:13:01:21
00:13:01:21 - 00:13:03:11
Isto também está ligado com
00:13:03:11 - 00:13:04:23
o prĂłximo tema, que Ă©: os
00:13:04:23 - 00:13:07:18
portugueses tĂŞm o fado,
00:13:07:18 - 00:13:11:18
que Ă©, o fado Ă©, vamos dizer, Ă©
00:13:11:18 - 00:13:14:21
o tipo de mĂşsica nacional mais
00:13:14:21 - 00:13:17:19
conhecida, atĂ© a nĂvel mundial e tudo.
00:13:17:19 - 00:13:21:16
Eu gosto de fado, mas o fado original,
00:13:21:16 - 00:13:25:20
digamos assim, tem uma tendĂŞncia um pouco...
00:13:25:20 - 00:13:28:08
se calhar pessimista ou, pelo menos,
00:13:28:08 - 00:13:30:03
muito nostálgica...
00:13:30:03 - 00:13:32:09
É um pouco melancólico...
00:13:32:09 - 00:13:35:10
Exatamente, melancĂłlico.
00:13:35:10 - 00:13:38:13
Se calhar por aà também é que,
00:13:38:13 - 00:13:40:11
nĂŁo sei, por aĂ Ă© que as outras pessoas acham
00:13:40:11 - 00:13:43:17
que nós também somos mais melancólicos, mas
00:13:43:17 - 00:13:46:03
nĂŁo sei. Como Ă© que Ă© no Brasil?
00:13:46:03 - 00:13:48:05
VocĂŞs nĂŁo tĂŞm fado, nĂŁo Ă©?
00:13:48:05 - 00:13:49:12
NĂŁo. Fado nĂŁo,
00:13:49:12 - 00:13:51:23
não é comum. Eu conheci o fado através de
00:13:51:23 - 00:13:54:17
um amigo portuguĂŞs. A gente foi a Portugal, e
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nĂłs somos a um show de fado,
00:13:56:10 - 00:13:59:08
foi lindo, lindo demais!
00:13:59:08 - 00:14:03:03
Mas no Brasil nĂłs temos o samba.
00:14:03:03 - 00:14:04:21
É claro que existem muitas músicas
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brasileiras que são mais melosas também,
00:14:07:02 - 00:14:09:16
muitos estilos mais melosos, mas a
00:14:09:16 - 00:14:12:13
mĂşsica que mais, que Ă© mais tradicional
00:14:12:13 - 00:14:15:24
brasileira mesmo Ă© o samba e a bossa
00:14:15:24 - 00:14:19:03
nova que sĂŁo estilos mais alegres.
00:14:19:03 - 00:14:20:18
A bossa nova, Ă s vezes,
00:14:20:18 - 00:14:23:01
Ă© mais parecida com fado. Algumas mĂşsicas
00:14:23:01 - 00:14:24:01
da bossa nova...
00:14:24:01 - 00:14:25:17
É, eu ia dizer isso.
00:14:25:17 - 00:14:28:05
É engraçado, porque eu não sou
00:14:28:05 - 00:14:31:19
muito, nĂŁo sou a maior fĂŁ de fado,
00:14:31:19 - 00:14:32:10
na verdade.
00:14:32:10 - 00:14:35:07
Gosto de alguns fados, e gosto da
00:14:35:07 - 00:14:38:01
melancolia dos fados, tenho que dizer,
00:14:38:01 - 00:14:40:08
acho que lhe dá também uma,
00:14:40:08 - 00:14:43:14
uma profundidade maior.
00:14:43:14 - 00:14:46:08
Mas, na verdade, eu adoro Bossa Nova, Ă© das
00:14:46:08 - 00:14:46:17
Mas, na verdade, eu adoro Bossa Nova, Ă© das
00:14:46:17 - 00:14:47:19
minhas, Ă© dos meus tipos
00:14:47:19 - 00:14:48:15
minhas, Ă© dos meus tipos
00:14:48:15 - 00:14:50:04
musicais preferidos.
00:14:50:04 - 00:14:52:20
Então, sim e sei que também pode
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ser melancĂłlico bossa nova.
00:14:55:21 - 00:14:59:13
A bossa nova sempre tem um tom alegrinho,
00:14:59:13 - 00:15:00:15
por causa do samba. É uma
00:15:00:15 - 00:15:03:12
mistura de samba com jazz.
00:15:03:12 - 00:15:06:15
EntĂŁo, Ă s vezes, a letra Ă© super triste, mas
00:15:06:15 - 00:15:09:09
Ă© um sambinha,
00:15:09:09 - 00:15:11:20
por isso Ă© um estilo muito gostoso.
00:15:11:20 - 00:15:14:04
Sempre tem um fundo musical que vem do
00:15:14:04 - 00:15:16:08
samba, e o samba Ă© um estilo musical
00:15:16:08 - 00:15:20:02
muito alegre e muito festivo.
00:15:20:02 - 00:15:22:18
É verdade. Mas eu também queria dizer
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uma coisa: Há fados que são mais alegres.
00:15:25:14 - 00:15:28:20
Nem todo o fado é melancólico. Agora já há
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outros estilos. Até há o fado misturado com
00:15:31:22 - 00:15:34:20
outros estilos musicais também,
00:15:34:20 - 00:15:36:12
que já lhe dá...
00:15:36:12 - 00:15:38:23
Começa a haver mais variedade e já há fados
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mais, mais alegres. Eu nĂŁo sou
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especialista em fado, mais uma vez. Se
00:15:43:08 - 00:15:45:12
calhar há aqui alguém que nos está a
00:15:45:12 - 00:15:47:12
ouvir que sabe mais sobre isto.
00:15:47:12 - 00:15:48:12
Portanto, se quiserem
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comentem aqui por baixo.
00:15:50:23 - 00:15:53:10
Mas, sim, também há fados mais alegres. Nós, os
00:15:53:10 - 00:15:55:02
portugueses nĂŁo Ă© sĂł melancolia,
00:15:55:02 - 00:15:56:16
também gostamos de festa.
00:15:56:16 - 00:15:59:10
00:15:59:10 - 00:16:01:10
00:16:01:10 - 00:16:03:09
Há outra coisa que eu também gostava de
00:16:03:09 - 00:16:05:13
discutir contigo Ă© que:
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agora estamos quase a chegar ao Natal...
00:16:08:12 - 00:16:10:17
E para mim isto é muito engraçado, porque
00:16:10:17 - 00:16:12:17
aqui na Europa, e aqui em Portugal,
00:16:12:17 - 00:16:14:07
especificamente, para nĂłs o
00:16:14:07 - 00:16:17:13
Natal Ă© sinĂłnimo de frio.
00:16:17:13 - 00:16:20:02
Agora nem sempre está frio, tenho que dizer,
00:16:20:02 - 00:16:22:14
temos apanhado assim uns dias quentes, por volta
00:16:22:14 - 00:16:24:16
do Natal, mas em geral, Natal
00:16:24:16 - 00:16:28:08
Ă© frio... neve, em alguns sĂtios.
00:16:28:08 - 00:16:31:13
As pessoas estĂŁo Ă volta da lareira,
00:16:31:13 - 00:16:33:20
ou em casa, com os aquecedores.
00:16:33:20 - 00:16:35:12
Como Ă© que Ă© no Brasil?
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No Brasil, o Natal Ă© verĂŁo! VerĂŁo quente,
00:16:39:18 - 00:16:43:19
calor, mas é muito engraçado porque, apesar
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de ser verĂŁo, no Brasil nĂłs usamos
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decoração inspirada no hemisfério norte.
00:16:50:10 - 00:16:53:12
EntĂŁo vocĂŞ vai, por exemplo,
00:16:53:12 - 00:16:55:21
Ă© um perĂodo do ano muito comercial.
00:16:55:21 - 00:16:57:10
EntĂŁo, as lojas
00:16:57:10 - 00:17:00:19
fazem decorações nas vitrines, e eles usam
00:17:00:19 - 00:17:03:17
neve que Ă© falsa. Eles usam alguma
00:17:03:17 - 00:17:07:10
coisa branca pra imitar neve.
00:17:07:10 - 00:17:09:19
Então, aà tem a árvore de Natal, que é interessante,
00:17:09:19 - 00:17:12:18
o pinheiro de Natal, que nĂŁo Ă© comum no
00:17:12:18 - 00:17:14:19
Brasil, talvez no sul do Brasil mas nĂŁo Ă©
00:17:14:19 - 00:17:16:05
nada comum, Ă© muito raro de
00:17:16:05 - 00:17:18:02
encontrar pinheiro no Brasil...
00:17:18:02 - 00:17:20:09
Mas todas as todas as lojas
00:17:20:09 - 00:17:22:15
tĂŞm Pinheiro com neve.
00:17:22:15 - 00:17:24:12
Aquela roupa do Papai Noel, que Ă© super
00:17:24:12 - 00:17:27:04
quente... No Brasil, seria insuportável usar
00:17:27:04 - 00:17:29:19
aquilo, que no Brasil Ă© verĂŁo e nĂłs estamos
00:17:29:19 - 00:17:32:02
no Hemisfério Sul, então é o contrário, claro.
00:17:32:02 - 00:17:34:16
EntĂŁo, Ă© uma festa que Ă© de verĂŁo.
00:17:34:16 - 00:17:36:24
Geralmente a gente comemora,
00:17:36:24 - 00:17:39:02
Ă© muito comum ir Ă praia, Ă© muito comum ir
00:17:39:02 - 00:17:42:08
para um clube com piscina para comemorar.
00:17:42:08 - 00:17:44:12
A gente... Ă© totalmente diferente.
00:17:44:12 - 00:17:48:11
O calor, a temperatura, a Estação muda muito
00:17:48:11 - 00:17:50:21
o estilo de festa que a gente tem.
00:17:50:21 - 00:17:53:24
E no Ano Novo também vão para a praia, não é?
00:17:53:24 - 00:17:56:00
Especialmente no Ano Novo, porque o Natal
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Ă© uma coisa mais familiar no Brasil.
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Imagino que em Portugal também!
00:18:00:21 - 00:18:03:14
A gente passa mais com a famĂlia, entĂŁo
00:18:03:14 - 00:18:05:24
eu normalmente passava, quando eu estava no
00:18:05:24 - 00:18:08:09
Brasil, passava o Natal com a famĂlia e no
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Ano Novo eu passava mais com os amigos, eu
00:18:10:11 - 00:18:13:18
saĂa. E no Ano Novo Ă© muito, muito comum ir
00:18:13:18 - 00:18:15:02
para a praia, especialmente
00:18:15:02 - 00:18:17:05
para assistir aos fogos.
00:18:17:05 - 00:18:19:12
Então, no Brasil é uma tradição assistir
00:18:19:12 - 00:18:23:06
aos fogos de artifĂcio na passagem do Ano Novo.
00:18:23:06 - 00:18:24:15
E também não se vestem
00:18:24:15 - 00:18:25:12
de branco?
00:18:25:12 - 00:18:26:24
Eu estou a pensar nisto por causa
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das novelas, do que eu via nas novelas, Ă s vezes.
00:18:29:19 - 00:18:30:08
EntĂŁo, acho
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EntĂŁo, acho
00:18:30:11 - 00:18:31:18
que vestem de branco, nĂŁo Ă©?
00:18:31:18 - 00:18:34:09
Essa é uma tradição muito brasileira, e nós
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pegamos isso dos africanos,
00:18:37:20 - 00:18:40:04
de tradições africanas que foram
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levadas ao Brasil pelos escravos.
00:18:44:04 - 00:18:46:12
E no Brasil nós temos duas religiões que
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sĂŁo de origem africana:
00:18:48:10 - 00:18:50:02
Umbanda e Candomblé.
00:18:50:02 - 00:18:52:03
Eu nĂŁo sei se as duas ou uma das duas tem
00:18:52:03 - 00:18:55:02
essa tradição de usar roupa branca e de
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fazer oferendas Ă Rainha do Mar, que Ă©
00:18:56:23 - 00:19:00:02
Iemanjá, e isso se espalhou pelo Brasil
00:19:00:02 - 00:19:02:05
como uma tradição, que hoje em dia não é
00:19:02:05 - 00:19:03:21
uma tradição religiosa, se
00:19:03:21 - 00:19:06:02
tornou uma tradição popular.
00:19:06:02 - 00:19:08:15
EntĂŁo, todo mundo no Brasil, nĂŁo importa a
00:19:08:15 - 00:19:12:00
religião, não importa localização, usa roupa
00:19:12:00 - 00:19:15:16
branca na virada do ano, para trazer sorte,
00:19:15:16 - 00:19:18:12
coisas boas para o ano novo. E tem muitas
00:19:18:12 - 00:19:20:09
outras tradições também, relacionadas
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ao mar e Iemanjá... pular sete ondas...
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Muitas tradições que foram todas pegadas
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dessas religiões
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afro-brasileiras, digamos assim.
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Eu não sabia o nome das religiões, mas
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conhecia Iemanjá, o nome Iemanjá. É
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rainha? Como Ă© que tu dsseste? A Rainha do Mar.
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Rainha do Mar, sim... também é das novelas,
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portanto, as novelas brasileiras ajudaram-me
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muito a perceber um pouco
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mais da cultura brasileira.
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EntĂŁo, gosto muito disso! Aqui em
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Portugal o Ano Novo é frio também.
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Estamos no pico do inverno e
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passamos também ou em casa de amigos, ou
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entĂŁo vamos a festas e assim, mas
00:20:02:20 - 00:20:05:08
que eu saiba, não há muita gente a passar o
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Ano Novo na praia...
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Eu acho que há quem tome um banho no
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primeiro dia de janeiro
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para começar o ano...é tipo um ritual assim,
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um ritual para começar bem o ano, mas não
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sei muito bem de onde é que vem também.
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Se calhar até pode ter alguma origem na
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Iemanjá também. Acho que não, mas não sei.
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Acho que se faz isso em mais sĂtios... dar um
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mergulho, o primeiro mergulho do ano, nĂŁo Ă©?
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Mas sim, de resto é frio, portanto ninguém
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vai para a praia.
00:20:40:13 - 00:20:44:02
Ah, tambĂ©m temos fogos de artifĂcio... e Ă© isso.
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Ah, tambĂ©m temos fogos de artifĂcio... e Ă© isso.
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Vamos ver o fogo e depois estamos com
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pessoas, com pessoas
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amigas ou com a famĂlia, ou
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assim. Ah, e também temos,
00:20:52:02 - 00:20:54:12
Eu nĂŁo sei se vocĂŞs bebem champanhe...
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e também comemos uvas passas.
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Ah, sim no Brasil... uva passa
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Ă© mais comum no Natal. No Ano Novo Ă© uva mesmo,
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uva, a fruta nĂŁo seca. Tem que comer acho
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que sete uvas, se eu nĂŁo me engano, para trazer
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sorte para o ano novo, e prosperidade.
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Ok. Para nĂłs, Ă©
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doze uvas passas, e cada uma Ă© um desejo,
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corresponde a um desejo,
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e sĂŁo equivalentes Ă s doze badaladas no
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final do ano, Ă s doze
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quando bate o relĂłgio.
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Mas, Ă s vezes, Ă© um pouco difĂcil, porque
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tens que comer doze e pensar nos desejos,
00:21:32:05 - 00:21:33:20
e Ă s vezes Ă© difĂcil.
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Mas também, também é para
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Mas também, também é para
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trazer sorte para o ano, tal como o
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tal mergulho no primeiro de janeiro,
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também penso que é para trazer
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sorte para o ano e assim.
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É engraçado!
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Essas superstições de ano
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novo sĂŁo muito divertidas! No Brasil, se
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vocĂŞ mora na praia, vocĂŞ tem que ir para a
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praia, na hora do Ano Novo. Tipo
00:21:52:11 - 00:21:54:19
meia-noite, na hora da virada.
00:21:54:19 - 00:21:57:15
AĂ, vocĂŞ tem que pular sete ondas, tem que
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estar usando branco, e pular. Se a onda vem
00:22:00:12 - 00:22:02:21
vocĂŞ pula.
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E algumas pessoas entram no mar, tomam
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banho Ă noite, porque Ă© verĂŁo. EntĂŁo, Ă©
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agradável o tempo.
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Pois, aqui já seria mais complicado fazer isso.
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Até porque o mar, o mar, por vezes,
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Ă© um pouco perigoso no inverno.
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EntĂŁo, tem que se ter cuidado. Ok...
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E outra coisa que eu também escrevi...
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Ou seja, que também vi aqui e que
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também vem um pouco,
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um pouco no seguimento daquilo que
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dissemos há pouco, que é que os portugueses
00:22:36:13 - 00:22:39:03
sĂŁo mais recatados, de uma forma geral, nĂŁo
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só no falar, mas também na forma de ser,
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e os brasileiros sĂŁo mais extrovertidos.
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Isto Ă© verdade, o que Ă© que tu achas?
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Eu acho que...
00:22:49:17 - 00:22:51:20
novamente estamos falando de estereĂłtipos.
00:22:51:20 - 00:22:54:00
EntĂŁo, eu acho que falando de maneira geral,
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eu me parece verdade. Olhando, sĂł de olhar e
00:22:57:14 - 00:23:01:06
observar as pessoas, no Brasil e em Portugal.
00:23:01:06 - 00:23:03:00
Eu tenho essa sensação, que o brasileiro é
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00:23:04:09 - 00:23:06:19
mais festeiro, mais extrovertido...
00:23:06:19 - 00:23:10:00
Os portugueses sĂŁo mais quietos, recatados.
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Mas Ă© interessante, que eu sou totalmente
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uma exceção. Eu sou uma pessoa introvertida,
00:23:15:02 - 00:23:19:15
quieta. Eu prefiro ficar em casa, lendo
00:23:19:15 - 00:23:21:20
um livro, do que ir para uma festa.
00:23:21:20 - 00:23:24:14
Mas eu sou exceção, eu acho! Porque muitas
00:23:24:14 - 00:23:25:22
pessoas no Brasil, realmente sĂŁo
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mais festeiras, mais extrovertidas.
00:23:28:10 - 00:23:29:19
EntĂŁo, acho que de maneira geral,
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faz sentido esse comentário.
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Sim, eu também,
00:23:34:16 - 00:23:36:20
de maneira geral. Mas pronto,
00:23:36:20 - 00:23:38:01
esta foi a minha Ăşltima
00:23:38:01 - 00:23:40:12
comparação de hoje, digamos assim.
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Mas eu queria sĂł dizer outra vez que,
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apesar destas diferenças, nós
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também temos muitas semelhanças.
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E, de novo, isto foram sĂł os estereĂłtipos...
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claro que cada pessoa Ă© uma pessoa, cada
00:23:51:24 - 00:23:54:17
pessoa Ă© diferente, e nĂŁo se pode julgar
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todos por um, nĂŁo Ă©, ou um por todos.
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Mas eu acho interessante que
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que nós vejamos estas diferenças e
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eu acho que temos muito mais que nos une,
00:24:05:21 - 00:24:09:06
do que o que nos separa. O que Ă© que tu achas?
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Eu concordo! Eu acho que todos nĂłs,
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somos de certa forma descendentes de
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portugueses, entĂŁo somos, fazemos todos
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parte da mesma famĂlia,
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falamos a mesma lĂngua.
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EntĂŁo, eu acho que tem muito, realmente
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muito mais coisas que nos unem, do
00:24:24:14 - 00:24:26:11
que nos separam, do que nos separam.
00:24:26:11 - 00:24:27:17
EntĂŁo, espero que as pessoas que estĂŁo
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00:24:30:10 - 00:24:34:01
apoiem essa ideia de evitar divergĂŞncias e
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apoiar a uniĂŁo, porque eu acho
00:24:37:01 - 00:24:39:21
que nós somos povos irmãos, né?
00:24:39:21 - 00:24:41:18
Exatamente, exatamente!
00:24:41:18 - 00:24:43:13
E eu sempre adorei
00:24:43:13 - 00:24:47:08
a cultura brasileira, a mĂşsica, as novelas...
00:24:47:08 - 00:24:48:03
imensa coisa...
00:24:48:03 - 00:24:49:23
EntĂŁo, eu acho... Ă© mesmo isso, eu acho que Ă©
00:24:49:23 - 00:24:53:02
bonito esta uniĂŁo, e nĂŁo, nĂŁo gosto tanto
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quando nos começamos a separar, a dizer que
00:24:56:19 - 00:24:59:17
os portugueses isto, e os brasileiros aquilo...
00:24:59:17 - 00:25:01:07
Eu acho que esta Ă© a mensagem que eu
00:25:01:07 - 00:25:03:09
quero passar tambĂ©m com este vĂdeo.
00:25:03:09 - 00:25:04:09
NĂŁo achas?
00:25:04:09 - 00:25:05:17
Eu concordo, eu concordo!
00:25:05:17 - 00:25:07:22
Eu vejo muito nos outros vĂdeos que nĂłs
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gravamos, eu vi muitas pessoas discutindo
00:25:10:06 - 00:25:13:15
nos comentários sobre diferenças. Eu
00:25:13:15 - 00:25:15:20
acho que nĂŁo Ă© essa a ideia do vĂdeo.
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A ideia do vĂdeo Ă© justamente
00:25:18:23 - 00:25:22:05
compartilhar coisas interessantes sobre as
00:25:22:05 - 00:25:26:13
nossas culturas e a lĂngua portuguesa que
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Ă© a mesma lĂngua... nĂłs somos, nĂłs herdamos
00:25:28:23 - 00:25:31:14
essa lĂngua maravilhosa, linda, dos
00:25:31:14 - 00:25:35:01
portugueses, fizemos algumas diferenças,
00:25:35:01 - 00:25:37:08
para dar a nossa personalidade, mas ainda
00:25:37:08 - 00:25:38:16
assim, Ă© a mesma lĂngua, e todos
00:25:38:16 - 00:25:40:13
fazemos parte do mesmo povo.
00:25:40:13 - 00:25:42:10
Na minha opiniĂŁo, somos todos, somos
00:25:42:10 - 00:25:44:13
muito similares em muitos aspectos.
00:25:44:13 - 00:25:47:04
E quanto Ă lĂngua, eu adoro as variantes
00:25:47:04 - 00:25:50:01
todas na mesma, entĂŁo, acho muito
00:25:50:01 - 00:25:52:14
bonito ter esta variedade.
00:25:52:14 - 00:25:55:00
Eu tenho muita vontade de viajar aos
00:25:55:00 - 00:25:57:00
outros paĂses que falam PortuguĂŞs.
00:25:57:00 - 00:25:59:12
Também nunca tive essa oportunidade.
00:25:59:12 - 00:26:00:10
E quem sabe até fazer
00:26:00:10 - 00:26:03:10
vĂdeos com
00:26:03:10 - 00:26:06:20
alguém de Moçambique, Angola,
00:26:06:20 - 00:26:09:12
para comparar também com
00:26:09:12 - 00:26:11:21
o Português falado lá, e a cultura deles,
00:26:11:21 - 00:26:13:06
também seria muito legal!
00:26:13:06 - 00:26:16:03
Ok VirgĂnia, muito, muito obrigada por estares
00:26:16:03 - 00:26:17:16
aqui mais uma vez.
00:26:17:16 - 00:26:19:19
Foi um grande prazer, eu adorei nossa
00:26:19:19 - 00:26:21:20
conversa, foi muito divertida!
00:26:21:20 - 00:26:23:22
Onde Ă© que te podem encontrar?
00:26:23:22 - 00:26:26:11
Claro! O meu canal no YouTube chama-se
00:26:26:11 - 00:26:28:23
"Speaking Brazilian Language School"
00:26:28:23 - 00:26:32:14
e o meu site Ă© "Speakingbrazilian.com".
00:26:32:14 - 00:26:33:23
Obrigada, VirgĂnia!
00:26:33:23 - 00:26:35:09
Um beijinho muito grande e
00:26:35:09 - 00:26:36:04
até a próxima!
00:26:36:04 - 00:26:38:07
Até a próxima!
00:26:38:07 - 00:26:40:19
Ok pessoal! Obrigada por estarem aĂ, mais
00:26:40:19 - 00:26:42:17
uma vez! Espero que tenham gostado deste
00:26:42:17 - 00:26:45:21
vĂdeo. Se quiserem
00:26:45:21 - 00:26:48:18
dizer-me mais diferenças ou semelhanças
00:26:48:18 - 00:26:51:08
que encontram entre Portugal e o Brasil,
00:26:51:08 - 00:26:55:03
digam aqui em baixo e um beijinho! Vejo-vos
00:26:55:03 - 00:26:58:09
no prĂłximo vĂdeo! Beijinho!
00:00:00:00 - 00:00:01:17
Hello everyone welcome
00:00:01:17 - 00:00:04:01
once again to my channel.
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Today I have a super special guest. It’s
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already the second time we're making a
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video together
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video together
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here on my channel.
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So please welcome
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Virginia! Hello, Virginia!
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Hello Mia! Hello guys! It's a great pleasure
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to be here with you again.
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Thanks for being here! And today we will
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talk about a topic that I think is very
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interesting and that is about some
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differences and even similarities, who knows,
00:00:33:16 - 00:00:37:12
between Portugal and Brazil.
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We made a short list before
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recording this video
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so let's talk about these cultural
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differences now. Let’s go,
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Let's go! Let's start.
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we were discussing and we found
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that, in terms of punctuality, the
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Portuguese and Brazilians
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are a little different.
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What do you think about that?
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What have we concluded?
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Well then, the Brazilians, people,
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are famous for being late.
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Unfortunately, this is true.
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Of course not everyone.
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Some people have more tendency to be,
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others have less, but in general the
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Brazilians arrive late to everything,
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especially if it's not something related to
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work, but even often when it’s
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work-related, it's very common to
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start meetings with
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delay, to end with delay.
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It is very common in Brazil
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that everything starts with delay.
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And if it's something that isn’t
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work related...
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If it's a party, for example, the party is
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scheduled to start at eight in the evening.
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People will arrive at nine
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and ten in the evening… this is normal.
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How is it in Portugal? The impression I have
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is that in Portugal, people are not so
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so late...
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Well… here is the thing, maybe in relation to the
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Brazilians, the Portuguese
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are not that late.
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What does this mean? That instead of
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arriving an hour late,
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we arrive half an hour late.
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It's a little better!
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I still think, of course,
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I want to say this from the beginning, these
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are stereotypes, aren't they, because not all of the
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people, as you said, arrive late
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to things, obviously.
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But we are speaking in general.
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But we are speaking in general.
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from my experience, yes, the Portuguese
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they are also late for things.
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I am no exception.
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I have to admit I'm often
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late to certain things, not all...
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Me too…
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But it was interesting because
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at the beginning you said:
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The Portuguese are punctual, you had that
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idea, and my boyfriend is German and he’d
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laugh in our faces if he heard that,
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because, yes, the Germans are punctual.
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So, I think that's why! Ok...
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And we were also speaking about something else:
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the Portuguese speak
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many different languages.
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In general, the Portuguese speak,
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at least English and Spanish,
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for example, French too.
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How is it in Brazil?
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I think for me this is a very clear
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difference, because all the Portuguese
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that I know speak,
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at least, two or three languages.
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In Brazil, this is not common.
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Of course, many Brazilians speak
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many languages, especially English and
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Spanish, but it's very rare to find a
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person who speaks two languages,
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it's not a common thing.
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We study at school, but it's
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very basic, right, it's not enough,
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it's hard to get to a level of really
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fluency in another language… this isn’t a
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part of the Brazilian culture, unfortunately.
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So, I think, for me, this is a big
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difference between Brazil and Portugal.
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Culturally, Brazilians they speak
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and some people speak other languages.
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And how is it? is there any difference
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now with the younger generations?
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Because here in Portugal,
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even in my parents' generation, already
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there are a lot of people speaking other languages, but
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of course, younger people speak even more.
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That is at least my perception.
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Is there any difference there? What do you think?
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I guess so! This is an interesting
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question! I had never stopped to think
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about this, but now that you've brought this
00:04:35:11 - 00:04:37:12
subject up, I think with access to the
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subject up, I think with access to the
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internet and access to so much
00:04:39:17 - 00:04:41:12
things that we have nowadays,
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I think this is also helping
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with the learning of
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with the learning of
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languages, because before
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you would need to buy a book, or to
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enroll in a course... it was something that
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required a lot of work, it cost a lot
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of money, and nowadays,
00:04:55:12 - 00:04:58:03
knowledge is available for free
00:04:58:03 - 00:04:59:12
on YouTube, for example, this
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video is an example of this.
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And there are so many channels on
00:05:05:11 - 00:05:07:19
YouTube and even podcasts, there’s so much available,
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so much knowledge available online,
00:05:09:07 - 00:05:11:11
for free, and almost all the
00:05:11:11 - 00:05:14:08
population has access to the internet.
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I think this is helping a lot
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the younger, the new generation, to have access
00:05:19:09 - 00:05:22:03
to more knowledge, including languages.
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Yeah, yeah... I think so too, me too
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I think so, because even here,
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of course there is a difference... I think the
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younger generations, really,
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are speaking more languages.
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Although, as I said,
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my parents, my parents' generation,
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also already, already speak one or two, but yes,
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I think this is definitely helping
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the whole world connecting more and
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speaking different languages.
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Yes, I think so!
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So the next point I have here is…
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and I think this is very funny, because
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Portugal is a tiny country.
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So, for us,
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anything is too far away! To go
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from Porto, where I'm from, to Lisbon,
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it’s 300 kilometres, more or less, and to
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me, this is already a kind of a big trip.
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And what is it like in Brazil?
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For us 300 kilometres is nothing,
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people, seriously, because Brazil is gigantic.
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For example, I used to, when I lived in
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For example, I used to, when I lived in
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SĂŁo Paulo, I used to go to
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Rio de Janeiro all the time.
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I don't even remember how far away it is.
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It took me more or less
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five, six hours by car, and I thought
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that’s close, because it was possible to
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travel by car, it was a day travelling..I left
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In the morning, and arrived mid-afternoon.
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There was even time to go to the beach,
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even on the same day.
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So I did it frequently,
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and I thought it was close.
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This is good, SĂŁo Paulo is close to Rio... you can
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go by car.
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Because for us, a far away place is a
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place you can't drive by car,
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it's a place we would need to get on a
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plane, otherwise the trip would be too
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long! For example, from SĂŁo Paulo to my
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hometown, Teresina,
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it's impossible to go by car, it would be three days
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by car! Even by plane, you have to do a
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layover, it's too far, it's all too far!
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There are many places in Brazil that I
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would like to know, but I've never been, because
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It’s too far, it is difficult to reach.
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It's a very big country!
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So I find it very interesting when the
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Portuguese say that two hours away
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It’s too far away. Guys, two hours is nothing!
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Two hours is what
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you take to go from a SĂŁo Paulo
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neighbourhood to another.
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Yes, two hours here is too much! For me,
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Yes, two hours here is too much! For me,
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when i have to go somewhere that is
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half an hour by car from here,
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I don't feel like it anymore
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I don't feel like doing it, at all.
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But yes, that's it.
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It's funny how distances change
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in our head as well, depending on the
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context we are used to.
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Yes, in six hours I could go from here to the
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Algarve, which is in southern Portugal
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and where there are very good beaches and
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the weather is better and so on…
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but I only go there once a year, normally,
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so it's really interesting.
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And then there's something else here that I also
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found interesting, that you
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think that, because, once again, I think
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maybe it’s true compared to the
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Brazilians, but it is not true in
00:08:26:18 - 00:08:28:24
comparison with other Europeans, for
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example, the Germans again, and that
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is that the Portuguese speak softly.
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I'm not really sure about that, but
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how is it with Brazilians?
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My perception is that the Portuguese are
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quieter and people talk
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softly and are more reserved.
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So, it's all connected,
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in my perception.
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Brazilians are noisy people, so they
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are always talking loud, so, for
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example, a group of Brazilians here in
00:08:57:03 - 00:08:59:05
the United States, I can see from afar,
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because they're talking loud and,
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of course, it also changes from
00:09:03:23 - 00:09:05:05
one family to another.
00:09:05:05 - 00:09:07:21
Depending on the origin of the family.
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My family is very noisy, and
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when they're at the table talking,
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on Christmas and holiday times, it seems that
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they are fighting because they
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scream, they talk too loud.
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It's normal!
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Yes, but I understand what you say. I think that,
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maybe, in contexts like this, more
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public, I think maybe it's true
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that the Portuguese are a little more
00:09:31:22 - 00:09:33:20
reserved, quieter, than the
00:09:33:20 - 00:09:36:05
Brazilians, perhaps.
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But it's like that, in a family context, for example,
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when we are also at the table, at
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Christmas and so on, it’s very noisy!
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In my family, at least...
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and I think mine is not the only one.
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So I understand what you say, but
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I wouldn't say that the Portuguese
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speak softly.
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If you come
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here and you take a bus...
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We talked about it,
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in this other video we made together! By the way,
00:10:01:13 - 00:10:04:22
go watch it after this video...
00:10:04:22 - 00:10:08:05
A "autocarro", in Brazil, is a "Ă´nibus".
00:10:08:05 - 00:10:10:06
If you take the bus here, you will
00:10:10:06 - 00:10:12:00
hear the ladies, especially the
00:10:12:00 - 00:10:15:14
older ladies, talking very loudly,
00:10:15:14 - 00:10:17:21
about their family.
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You get to know everything about their lives.
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There are a lot of people like that.
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So it's relative.
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Yes, I understand!
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Ok, I also saw here that, I mean,
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we were thinking that the
00:10:34:09 - 00:10:37:19
Portuguese are more pessimistic
00:10:37:19 - 00:10:40:18
than the Brazilians. Is this true?
00:10:40:18 - 00:10:42:11
What do you think?
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This I don't know if it's true.
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I saw this when I was researching
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to make this video, I was researching
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for me, it's a little difficult, to really
00:10:50:08 - 00:10:53:08
compare Brazil and Portugal culturally,
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because I never lived in Portugal. I spent
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very little time there... I know some,
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I have some friends, but I read
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this and I found it interesting... is it so?
00:11:02:18 - 00:11:03:24
And I kept thinking about some
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Portuguese people I know.
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I had to agree a little
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that the Portuguese are a little more
00:11:10:01 - 00:11:13:21
pessimistic, a little more...
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they are more likely to complain, and the
00:11:16:02 - 00:11:19:05
Brazilians have more the tendency of
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saying “Oh, everything will be fine."
00:11:21:14 - 00:11:22:22
Brazilians have this a lot!
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"Oh, it's ok, everything will be fine,
00:11:24:20 - 00:11:25:24
don't worry…”.
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Of course, it depends on the person.
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There are a lot of Brazilians that are super
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pessimistic! Then I found this interesting,
00:11:31:14 - 00:11:33:21
and wanted to know your opinion, what do you think?
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Look, I think there is
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some truth to it.
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I think the Portuguese
00:11:42:11 - 00:11:46:19
are a bit... I don't know if they're pessimistic, but
00:11:46:19 - 00:11:50:12
we are always counting that, ok,
00:11:50:12 - 00:11:51:19
it can go well but also
00:11:51:19 - 00:11:55:10
it can go wrong, and I don't know...
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I think we like to complain.
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That's true!
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So maybe we're a little bit
00:12:02:04 - 00:12:04:01
more pessimistic. I do not know,
00:12:04:01 - 00:12:05:12
I don't know if we are pessimistic. Me,
00:12:05:12 - 00:12:08:11
I know Brazilians are optimistic.
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With that I agree, from what I see
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on television and in the soap operas I've watched.
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I think it's like that more...
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That's what you said, I think
00:12:18:08 - 00:12:19:22
you always think that things will
00:12:19:22 - 00:12:21:15
work, they will work out.
00:12:21:15 - 00:12:23:21
The Portuguese already are not so sure
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and are cautious.
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But of course I am, again,
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this is a stereotype.
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There are many people that are very optimistic
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in Portugal, but yes, maybe it has
00:12:34:11 - 00:12:37:01
some truth to it, and so I...
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The issue here is also that I don't know if
00:12:38:19 - 00:12:41:07
we are truly pessimistic, or
00:12:41:07 - 00:12:44:02
if, on the contrary, we are not, but
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we like to pretend as if we were.
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I don't know if it makes sense
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what I'm saying.
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Why? Because we like to complain.
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So, that's it...
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Maybe it's this.
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Then there this impression that you’re pessimistic,
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but in truth maybe you aren’t...
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Maybe, maybe.
00:13:00:16 - 00:13:01:21
00:13:01:21 - 00:13:03:11
This is also linked with
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the next topic, which is: the
00:13:04:23 - 00:13:07:18
Portuguese have fado,
00:13:07:18 - 00:13:11:18
that is, fado is, let's say, is
00:13:11:18 - 00:13:14:21
the most known type of national music,
00:13:14:21 - 00:13:17:19
even worldwide and all.
00:13:17:19 - 00:13:21:16
I like fado, but the original fado,
00:13:21:16 - 00:13:25:20
let's say, it has the tendency to be a little...
00:13:25:20 - 00:13:28:08
maybe pessimistic, or at least
00:13:28:08 - 00:13:30:03
very nostalgic...
00:13:30:03 - 00:13:32:09
It's a little melancholy...
00:13:32:09 - 00:13:35:10
Exactly, melancholy.
00:13:35:10 - 00:13:38:13
Maybe it's also that,
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I don't know, that's where other people think
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that we are also more melancholy, but
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I do not know. How is it in Brazil?
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You don't have fado, do you?
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No. Fado
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is not common. I got to know fado through
00:13:51:23 - 00:13:54:17
a Portuguese friend. We went to Portugal, and
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we went to a fado show.
00:13:56:10 - 00:13:59:08
It was beautiful, very beautiful!
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But in Brazil, we have samba.
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Of course there are a lot of Brazilian songs
00:14:04:21 - 00:14:07:02
that are more mellow too,
00:14:07:02 - 00:14:09:16
much mellower styles, but the
00:14:09:16 - 00:14:12:13
music that’s more, that is more traditionally
00:14:12:13 - 00:14:15:24
Brazilian is really samba and bossa
00:14:15:24 - 00:14:19:03
nova, that are happier styles.
00:14:19:03 - 00:14:20:18
The bossa nova, sometimes,
00:14:20:18 - 00:14:23:01
it's more like fado. Some
00:14:23:01 - 00:14:24:01
bossa nova songs...
00:14:24:01 - 00:14:25:17
Yeah, I was going to say that.
00:14:25:17 - 00:14:28:05
It's funny, because I'm not
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very, I'm not the biggest fan of fado,
00:14:31:19 - 00:14:32:10
00:14:32:10 - 00:14:35:07
I like some fados, and I like
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fado’s melancholy, I have to say,
00:14:38:01 - 00:14:40:08
I think it also gives it a
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greater depth.
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But actually, I love bossa nova, it's
00:14:46:08 - 00:14:46:17
But actually, I love bossa nova, it's
00:14:46:17 - 00:14:47:19
mine, is one of my favorite types
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mine, is one of my favorite types
00:14:48:15 - 00:14:50:04
of music.
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So yes, and I know bossa nova can too
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be melancholy.
00:14:55:21 - 00:14:59:13
Bossa Nova always has a happy tone,
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because of the samba. It’s
00:15:00:15 - 00:15:03:12
a mix between samba and jazz.
00:15:03:12 - 00:15:06:15
So sometimes the lyrics are super sad, but
00:15:06:15 - 00:15:09:09
it's a samba,
00:15:09:09 - 00:15:11:20
so it's a really nice style.
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There is always a musical background that comes from
00:15:14:04 - 00:15:16:08
samba, and samba is a very cheerful
00:15:16:08 - 00:15:20:02
and very festive musical style.
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It’s true. But I also wanted to say
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one thing: There are fados that are happier.
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Not all fado is melancholy. Now there are
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other styles. There's even fado mixed with
00:15:31:22 - 00:15:34:20
other music styles too,
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that already gives it…
00:15:36:12 - 00:15:38:23
There starts to be more variety and there
00:15:38:23 - 00:15:41:01
are already happier fados. I'm not a
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specialist in fado, once again.
00:15:43:08 - 00:15:45:12
Maybe there is someone here who is,
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who knows more about this.
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So if you want,
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comment below.
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But, yes, there are also happier fados. We, the
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Portuguese people, are not just melancholy,
00:15:55:02 - 00:15:56:16
we also like to party.
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There's another thing I also wanted
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to discuss with you, and that is:
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now it’s almost Christmas...
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And for me this is very funny, because
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here in Europe, and here in Portugal,
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specifically, for us
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Christmas is synonymous with cold.
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It's not always cold now, I have to say,
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we have been getting warm days around
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Christmas, but in general, Christmas
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is cold… it even snows in some places.
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People are around the fireplace,
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or at home, with heaters.
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How is it in Brazil?
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In Brazil, Christmas is summer! Hot summer,
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heat, but it's really funny because despite
00:16:43:19 - 00:16:46:17
of being summer, in Brazil we use
00:16:46:17 - 00:16:50:10
decor inspired by the northern hemisphere.
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So you go, for example,
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it's a very commercial time of the year.
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So in the stores
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they make window decor, and they use
00:17:00:19 - 00:17:03:17
snow that is fake. They use some
00:17:03:17 - 00:17:07:10
white thing to imitate snow.
00:17:07:10 - 00:17:09:19
So, there's the Christmas tree, which is interesting,
00:17:09:19 - 00:17:12:18
the Christmas pine tree, which is not common in
00:17:12:18 - 00:17:14:19
Brazil, maybe in southern Brazil, but it's not
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common, it's very rare to
00:17:16:05 - 00:17:18:02
find pine trees in Brazil...
00:17:18:02 - 00:17:20:09
But all stores
00:17:20:09 - 00:17:22:15
have pine trees with snow.
00:17:22:15 - 00:17:24:12
That Santa Claus outfit, which is super
00:17:24:12 - 00:17:27:04
hot... In Brazil it would be unbearable for people
00:17:27:04 - 00:17:29:19
to wear that, because in Brazil it’s summer, and we are
00:17:29:19 - 00:17:32:02
in the Southern Hemisphere, so it's the other way around,
00:17:32:02 - 00:17:34:16
of course. So, it's a summer party.
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We usually celebrate,
00:17:36:24 - 00:17:39:02
it's very common to go to the beach, it's very common to go
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to a club with a pool to celebrate.
00:17:42:08 - 00:17:44:12
We... it's totally different.
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The heat, the temperature, the Season changes a lot
00:17:48:11 - 00:17:50:21
the style of party we have.
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And on New Year's, you also go to the beach, right?
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Especially on New Years, because Christmas
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is something more familiar in Brazil.
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I imagine that in Portugal too!
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We spend it more with the family, so
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I usually spent, when I was in
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Brazil, I spent Christmas with my family and
00:18:08:09 - 00:18:10:11
New Year’s I spent more with friends, I
00:18:10:11 - 00:18:13:18
went out. And on New Year's it's very, very common to go
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to the beach, especially
00:18:15:02 - 00:18:17:05
to watch the fireworks.
00:18:17:05 - 00:18:19:12
So, in Brazil it's a tradition to watch
00:18:19:12 - 00:18:23:06
the fireworks on New Year's Eve.
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And don't you dress
00:18:24:15 - 00:18:25:12
in white?
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I'm thinking about this because of the soap operas,
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from what I saw in soap operas sometimes.
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So, I think
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So, I think
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you wear white, right?
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This is a very Brazilian tradition, and we
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we get that from the Africans,
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from African traditions that were
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taken to Brazil by slaves.
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And in Brazil we have two religions that
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are of African origin:
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Umbanda and Candomblé.
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I don't know if the two or one of the two have
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this tradition of wearing white clothes and
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making offerings to the Queen of the Sea, which is
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Yemanjá, and this spread throughout Brazil
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as a tradition, and nowadays it’s not
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a religious tradition, it
00:19:03:21 - 00:19:06:02
became a popular tradition.
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So, everybody in Brazil, it doesn't matter the
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religion, no matter where, wears white clothes
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at the turn of the year, to bring luck,
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good things for the new year. And there are many
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other traditions too, related
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to the sea and Yemanjá... jumping seven waves...
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Many traditions that were all taken
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from these Afro-Brazilian religions,
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let's say.
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I didn't know the names of the religions, but
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I knew Yemanjá, the name Yemanjá. It’s a
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Queen? How did you say? The Queen of the Sea.
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Queen of the Sea, yes... it's also from soap operas,
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therefore, Brazilian soap operas helped me
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a lot to learn a little
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more of the Brazilian culture.
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So I really like it! Here in
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Portugal the New Year’s is cold too.
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It's the height of winter and
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we also spend it either at a friend's house, or
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we go to parties and stuff, but
00:20:02:20 - 00:20:05:08
as far as I know, not many people spend the
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New Year’s at the beach...
00:20:07:18 - 00:20:09:22
I think there are people that take a bath in the
00:20:09:22 - 00:20:13:05
first day of January
00:20:13:05 - 00:20:17:12
to start the year... it's like a ritual like this,
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a ritual to start the year off right, but I also don’t
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know very well where it comes from.
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Maybe it could even have some origin in the
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Yemanjá, too. I don't think so, but I don't know.
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I think you do that in more places... take a
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bath in the sea, the first dive of the year, isn't it?
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But yes, otherwise it's cold, so no one
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goes to the beach.
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We also have fireworks... and that's it.
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We also have fireworks... and that's it.
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We go see the fireworks and then we're with
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people, with people,
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friends or family, or
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so. Oh, and we also have,
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I don't know if you drink champagne...
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and we also eat raisins.
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Oh, yes in Brazil... raisins are
00:21:00:01 - 00:21:03:08
more common on Christmas. On New Year's it's really grapes,
00:21:03:08 - 00:21:06:04
grapes, the fruit but not dry. You have to eat I think
00:21:06:04 - 00:21:08:07
that seven grapes, if I'm not mistaken, to bring
00:21:08:07 - 00:21:11:07
luck for the new year, and prosperity.
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Okay. For us it is
00:21:14:16 - 00:21:18:22
twelve raisins, and each one is a wish,
00:21:18:22 - 00:21:21:00
corresponds to a wish,
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and are equivalent to the twelve chimes in the
00:21:24:10 - 00:21:26:11
end of the year, at twelve,
00:21:26:11 - 00:21:28:19
when the clock strikes.
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But sometimes it's a little difficult because
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you have to eat twelve and think about your wishes,
00:21:32:05 - 00:21:33:20
and sometimes it's difficult.
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But also, it's also for... it's also
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But also, it's also for... it's also
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to bring luck for the year, such as the,
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such as the dive on January 1st,
00:21:40:05 - 00:21:41:07
I also think it's to bring
00:21:41:07 - 00:21:44:09
luck for the year and so.
00:21:44:09 - 00:21:45:04
It is funny!
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These New Year’s superstitions
00:21:46:17 - 00:21:49:06
are so much fun! In Brazil, if
00:21:49:06 - 00:21:50:21
you live by the beach, you have to go to the
00:21:50:21 - 00:21:52:11
beach at New Year's time. At
00:21:52:11 - 00:21:54:19
midnight, at twelve.
00:21:54:19 - 00:21:57:15
Then you have to jump seven waves, you have to
00:21:57:15 - 00:22:00:12
be wearing white, and skipping. if the wave comes
00:22:00:12 - 00:22:02:21
you jump.
00:22:02:21 - 00:22:04:12
And some people go into the sea, take a
00:22:04:12 - 00:22:06:05
bath at night, because it's summer. So, it is
00:22:06:05 - 00:22:07:13
nice weather. Right,
00:22:07:13 - 00:22:12:12
here it would be more complicated to do this.
00:22:12:12 - 00:22:14:09
Even because the sea, the sea, sometimes,
00:22:14:09 - 00:22:18:10
it's a little dangerous in winter.
00:22:18:10 - 00:22:23:00
So, you have to be careful. Ok…
00:22:23:00 - 00:22:27:08
And another thing I also wrote here…
00:22:27:08 - 00:22:30:20
That is, that I also saw here and that
00:22:30:20 - 00:22:32:08
also comes a little bit
00:22:32:08 - 00:22:34:06
in the sequence of what
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we said a moment ago, that the Portuguese
00:22:36:13 - 00:22:39:03
are more quiet, in general, not
00:22:39:03 - 00:22:43:04
only in speaking, but also in the way of being,
00:22:43:04 - 00:22:46:01
and Brazilians are more outgoing.
00:22:46:01 - 00:22:48:02
Is this true, what do you think?
00:22:48:02 - 00:22:49:17
I think that...
00:22:49:17 - 00:22:51:20
again we are talking about stereotypes.
00:22:51:20 - 00:22:54:00
So, I think generally speaking,
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I feel this is true. Looking, just looking and
00:22:57:14 - 00:23:01:06
people-watching in Brazil and Portugal.
00:23:01:06 - 00:23:03:00
I have this feeling, that the Brazilians are
00:23:03:00 - 00:23:04:09
00:23:04:09 - 00:23:06:19
more partying, more outgoing...
00:23:06:19 - 00:23:10:00
The Portuguese are quieter, more introvert.
00:23:10:00 - 00:23:11:22
But it's interesting that I'm totally
00:23:11:22 - 00:23:15:02
an exception. I'm an introverted person,
00:23:15:02 - 00:23:19:15
quiet. I prefer to stay at home, reading
00:23:19:15 - 00:23:21:20
a book, than going to a party.
00:23:21:20 - 00:23:24:14
But I am an exception, I think! Because many
00:23:24:14 - 00:23:25:22
people in Brazil really like
00:23:25:22 - 00:23:28:10
to party, and are more outgoing.
00:23:28:10 - 00:23:29:19
So, I think in general,
00:23:29:19 - 00:23:33:00
this comment makes sense.
00:23:33:00 - 00:23:34:16
Yes, me too,
00:23:34:16 - 00:23:36:20
generally speaking. But that's it,
00:23:36:20 - 00:23:38:01
this was my last
00:23:38:01 - 00:23:40:12
comparison for today, let's say.
00:23:40:12 - 00:23:42:08
But I just wanted to say again that,
00:23:42:08 - 00:23:44:00
despite these differences, we
00:23:44:00 - 00:23:46:22
also have many similarities.
00:23:46:22 - 00:23:49:03
And again, this was just the stereotypes...
00:23:49:03 - 00:23:51:24
of course each person is a person, each
00:23:51:24 - 00:23:54:17
person is different, and you cannot judge
00:23:54:17 - 00:23:57:16
all for one, isn't it, or one for all.
00:23:57:16 - 00:23:59:18
But I find it interesting that
00:23:59:18 - 00:24:03:08
that we see these differences and
00:24:03:08 - 00:24:05:21
I think we have a lot more that unites us,
00:24:05:21 - 00:24:09:06
than what separates us. What do you think?
00:24:09:06 - 00:24:10:19
I agree! I think all of us,
00:24:10:19 - 00:24:12:17
00:24:12:17 - 00:24:14:21
we are somehow descendants of the
00:24:14:21 - 00:24:17:01
Portuguese, so we are, we all are a
00:24:17:01 - 00:24:19:01
part of the same family,
00:24:19:01 - 00:24:21:00
we speak the same language.
00:24:21:00 - 00:24:22:11
So I think there's a lot, really
00:24:22:11 - 00:24:24:14
many more things that unite us, than those
00:24:24:14 - 00:24:26:11
that separate us.
00:24:26:11 - 00:24:27:17
So, hopefully, the people who are
00:24:27:17 - 00:24:30:10
00:24:30:10 - 00:24:34:01
support this idea of ​​avoiding disagreements and
00:24:34:01 - 00:24:37:01
support the union, because I think
00:24:37:01 - 00:24:39:21
that we are a family, right?
00:24:39:21 - 00:24:41:18
Exactly, exactly!
00:24:41:18 - 00:24:43:13
And I always loved the
00:24:43:13 - 00:24:47:08
Brazilian culture, music, soap operas...
00:24:47:08 - 00:24:48:03
a lot of things...
00:24:48:03 - 00:24:49:23
So I think... that's it, I think
00:24:49:23 - 00:24:53:02
this union is beautiful, and no, I don't like it so much
00:24:53:02 - 00:24:56:19
when we start to separate, to say that
00:24:56:19 - 00:24:59:17
the Portuguese this, and the Brazilians that...
00:24:59:17 - 00:25:01:07
I think this is the message
00:25:01:07 - 00:25:03:09
I also want to pass on with this video.
00:25:03:09 - 00:25:04:09
Don’t you think?
00:25:04:09 - 00:25:05:17
I agree, I agree!
00:25:05:17 - 00:25:07:22
I see a lot, in the other videos, that we
00:25:07:22 - 00:25:10:06
recorded, I saw a lot of people discussing
00:25:10:06 - 00:25:13:15
in the comments about differences. Me,
00:25:13:15 - 00:25:15:20
I don't think that's the idea of ​​the video.
00:25:15:20 - 00:25:18:23
The idea of ​​the video is precisely to
00:25:18:23 - 00:25:22:05
share interesting things about
00:25:22:05 - 00:25:26:13
our cultures and the Portuguese language that
00:25:26:13 - 00:25:28:23
it's the same language... we are, we inherited
00:25:28:23 - 00:25:31:14
this wonderful, beautiful language from the
00:25:31:14 - 00:25:35:01
Portuguese, we made some changes,
00:25:35:01 - 00:25:37:08
to give it our personality, but still,
00:25:37:08 - 00:25:38:16
it's the same language, and
00:25:38:16 - 00:25:40:13
we are all part of the same people.
00:25:40:13 - 00:25:42:10
In my opinion, we are all, we are
00:25:42:10 - 00:25:44:13
very similar in many ways.
00:25:44:13 - 00:25:47:04
And as for the language, I love the variants
00:25:47:04 - 00:25:50:01
all the same, so I think it’s very
00:25:50:01 - 00:25:52:14
beautiful to have all this variety.
00:25:52:14 - 00:25:55:00
I really want to travel to
00:25:55:00 - 00:25:57:00
other Portuguese speaking countries.
00:25:57:00 - 00:25:59:12
I never had that opportunity either.
00:25:59:12 - 00:26:00:10
And maybe even do
00:26:00:10 - 00:26:03:10
videos with
00:26:03:10 - 00:26:06:20
someone from Mozambique, Angola,
00:26:06:20 - 00:26:09:12
to compare also with
00:26:09:12 - 00:26:11:21
the Portuguese spoken there, and their culture.
00:26:11:21 - 00:26:13:06
This would also be really cool!
00:26:13:06 - 00:26:16:03
Okay Virginia, thank you so much for being
00:26:16:03 - 00:26:17:16
here again.
00:26:17:16 - 00:26:19:19
It was a great pleasure, I loved our
00:26:19:19 - 00:26:21:20
conversation, it was so much fun!
00:26:21:20 - 00:26:23:22
Where can people find you?
00:26:23:22 - 00:26:26:11
Sure! My YouTube channel is called
00:26:26:11 - 00:26:28:23
"Speaking Brazilian Language School"
00:26:28:23 - 00:26:32:14
and my website is "Speakingbrazilian.com".
00:26:32:14 - 00:26:33:23
Thank you, Virginia!
00:26:33:23 - 00:26:35:09
A very big kiss and
00:26:35:09 - 00:26:36:04
see you next time!
00:26:36:04 - 00:26:38:07
See you next time!
00:26:38:07 - 00:26:40:19
Ok people! Thank you for being there, once
00:26:40:19 - 00:26:42:17
again! I hope you enjoyed this
00:26:42:17 - 00:26:45:21
video. If you want
00:26:45:21 - 00:26:48:18
tell me more differences or similarities
00:26:48:18 - 00:26:51:08
that you find between Portugal and Brazil,
00:26:51:08 - 00:26:55:03
write it down here and a kiss! See you
00:26:55:03 - 00:26:58:08
in the next video! Kiss!