Mia Esmeriz Academy - Learn European Portuguese Online

Joana Come Papa - Learn European Portuguese with Music

Mia Esmeriz Season 1 Episode 39

Come and learn Portuguese with one more children's song - Joana, come papa!
Sing it along with me and the help of the English and Portuguese subtitles and teach your children Portuguese through music!
This is one of the best exercises to learn a language. It creates an emotional connection with Portuguese, which will help you remember!
Até já!

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Come a papa,

Joana, come a papa

Come a papa,

Joana, come a papa,

Joana, come a papa

Olá! Olá a todos!

Hoje vou-vos cantar uma nova música infantil

em Português, porque isto ajuda-vos imenso a ouvir

a língua e a aprender os sons da mesma.

Espero que gostem.

Se gostarem deste tipo de vídeos, não se esqueçam

de subscrever o meu canal e de me dar um like.

Muito obrigada! Então, vamos lá à música.

Come a papa,

Joana, come a papa

Come a papa,

Joana, come a papa,

Joana, come a papa

Ok, eu esqueci-me de dizer que esta música

é uma música que as mães cantam aos filhos

para fazer com que eles comam melhor.

E é sobre uma menina que se chama Joana

e a mãe ou o pai está-lhe a cantar

come a papa Joana, come a papa.

Ok, agora sim, vamos lá começar.

Come a papa,

Joana, come a papa

Come a papa,

Joana, come a papa,

Joana, come a papa

Um, dois, três,

uma colher de cada vez

Quatro, cinco, seis,

era uma história de reis

E uma colher de papa

Come a papa,

Joana, come a papa

Come a papa,

Joana, come a papa,

Joana, come a papa

Sete, oito, nove,

ainda nada se resolve

Dez, onze, doze,

à espera que a mosca pouse

E uma colher de papa

Come a papa,

Joana, come a papa

Come a papa,

Joana, come a papa,

Joana, come a papa

Treze, catorze e meia,

a coisa não está tão feia

Dezesseis, dezassete,

mais um pingo no babete

E uma colher de papa

Come a papa,

Joana, come a papa

Come a papa,

Joana, come a papa,

Joana, come a papa

E é isto!

Podem cantar esta música para aprender Português

e também para ensinar Português aos vossos filhos

se assim o desejarem.

Espero que tenham gostado e que cantem comigo

outra vez quando virem este vídeo.

Um beijinho e até à próxima.


Eat your food

Joana, eat your food

Eat your food,

Joana, eat your food,

Joana, eat your food

Hello! Hello everyone!

Today I will sing another children song

in Portuguese, because this helps you immensly to listen to

the language and to learn the sounds of it.

I hope you will like it.

If you like this type of videos, don't forget

to subscribe to my channel and to leave me a like.

Thank you very much! So, let's continue with the song.

Eat your food,

Joana, eat your food

Eat your food,

Joana, eat your food,

Joana, eat your food

Ok, I forgot to mention that this song

is a song that the mothers sing to the children

to make them eat better.

And it is about a girl that is called Joana

and the mother or the father are singing

eat your food Joana, eat your food.

Ok, now let's continue.

Eat your food,

Joana, eat your food

Eat your food,

Joana, eat your food,

Joana, eat your food

One, two, three,

one spoon at a time

Four, five, six,

there was a story of kings

And a spoon of food

Eat your food,

Joana, eat your food

Eat your food,

Joana, eat your food,

Joana, eat your food

Seven, eight, nine,

it's still not resolved

Ten, eleven, twelve,

waiting for the fly to land

And a spoon of food

Eat your food,

Joana, eat your food

Eat your food,

Joana, eat your food,

Joana, eat your food

Thirteen, fourteen and a half,

things are not looking so bad

Sixteen, seventeen,

one more drop on the bib

And one spoon of food

Eat your food,

Joana, eat your food

Eat your food,

Joana, eat your food,

Joana, eat your food

And that's it!

You can sing this song to learn Portuguese

and also to teach Portuguese to your children

if you want so.

I hope that you liked it and that you sing with me

one more time when you watch this video.

A kiss and see you next time.